In Honor of Earth Day

One of our core values here at Making Room for peace is "slow living". In honor of Earth Day we've rounded up some of favorite slow living articles for you!

One of our core values here at Making Room for Peace is adopting a slower way of life. This movement, also known as “slow living” stands for "sustainable, local, organic, and whole and is about having little impact, shopping local and avoiding mass produced and processed things."  It's about slowing down while the rest of the world continues to speed up. It’s about pausing before making decisions big or small, as we consider how these choices will affect not only us but our community, the Earth, and future generations to come.  This slower way of life doesn't promise a Utopia but it does encourage health, community and wholeness. In honor of Earth Day, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite articles (below) on the topic of slow living. We encourage you on this special day to put down your phone, give these articles a read and get out into the world to see what kind of difference you can make.

Even though we live in an apartment, we are still able to compost!  We store our scraps in a brown paper bag in the freezer and then take it to a neighbors garden.