Peace I Leave With You, Peace I Give You

Peace I leave with you; peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

John 14:27


Raise your hand if you too have been #feelingallofthefeelings the past week or two? Between the endless news cycle, social distancing, and isolation its been a lot. On the one hand, our hearts have been breaking for those who are sick, for those who have lost loved ones to this virus... It’s been breaking for those who are struggling to get by, struggling to put food on the table and pay rent... It’s been concerned for those who are feeling a lone in all of this and are scared.

But on the other hand... our hearts have been filled with gratitude as all of this has forced everyone to SLOW DOWN… to breathe, to play, to make art, make love, to cook, declutter, and pray. It’s been filled with JOY as we’re seeing the climate ever so slowly heal from the effects of all us staying home. Our hearts have been filled with HOPE that all of this will somehow lead people to the true source of PEACE.

Just about every afternoon, I’ve been escaping outdoors (social distance style) to get some fresh air and to PRAY through all of these thoughts and feelings. My heart is that all of this is leading others to do the same. To slow down. To evaluate their lives. To commit to change. To make room for peace.

Making Room for Peace
Making Room for Peace

Interior Styling: Making Room for Peace | Photography: We Are Luke & Ashley