The Story of Making Room for Peace


Whenever people hear the name “making room for peace”, they tend to smile and say, “what a beautiful name” or “what is the story behind that?” Well, today we are sharing that story with you.


So starting in middle school up until my mid-twenties, I really struggled with anxiety and depression. And it got to the point where I was just over it. I tried to heal myself through eating well and exercising, positive thinking - even decluttering our home. All of those things were good things but at the end of the day just left me feeling unsatisfied - they weren’t filling this hole that was inside of me.

During the summer of 2016, I was working in a design boutique when a fellow employee happened to ask me about my faith story. I started to tell her how I had been saved at a young age and had been baptized, and then really grew in my faith in God in middle school and high school but around that time I also began to live in some sin. All of which only aggravated the anxiety and depression. At this point in the story I kind of trailed off and didn’t know what to tell her… and this really bothered me. You know looking at my life, at that point I’m not sure that you could see it and say, “oh, she’s a follower of Jesus Christ.”


“All of those things were good things but at the end of the day left me feeling unsatisfied - they weren’t filling this hole that was inside of me.”


I remember going home that weekend - it was Labor Day weekend - and from Friday to Monday just being on my face in prayer, crying, journaling, reading the Bible and trying to figure out what in fact I believed. At the end of that weekend I came out realizing that I did believe in Jesus, that I wanted to walk with Him but that I needed to recommit my life to Him and make some changes. I also found that all of those things that I doing before - the eating well, the meditating, the decluttering - all of those are good things in and of themselves, but they weren’t bringing me this source of peace that I was looking for. Only Jesus could do that. Only knowing Him and walking with Him.

So wanting to share that peace that I found with others, Making Room for Peace was created with that very intention. Whether its through our services, our social media or the blog its our hope to bring peace into people’s lives. I know what its like to walk through anxiety and depression but I also know what its like to live in freedom and in peace. Its our hope to come alongside of our clients no matter what season their in, to empower them and to encourage them to let go of what is no longer serving them, in order to make room for peace.