Something Every Client Deals With...Decision Fatigue


Our client’s vary when it comes to their style and budget but one thing that they all have in common… decision fatigue. Whether they come into the project with it or pick up a case of it later on mid-renovation, its our job as the interior designer to come alongside them to help navigate and eliminate it as much as we can.

I find that often-times, our single visit 2-hr consultation and full service interior decorating clients come into a project with a touch of design fatigue, as they’ve tried to figure things out on their own but have ended up completely overwhelmed. Interior design is a lot of fun but there is also a lot more to it than people realize. Some of the decisions that people encounter? Finish selections, knowing where and how things should be positioned, what size to order/specify, timing of ordering and install, creating a cohesive vision, scheduling trades... the list goes on and on and on. But the good thing is, we are here to help!


WE COME UP WITH A VISION | This starts waaay back in the beginning, where, before even meeting with our clients, we send out a client questionnaire. Along with the more practical questions, we also ask some specific, somewhat introspective questions that help us start to better know our client (who they are, their values, what lights them, how they want to feel in their space, etc.). Following our consultation and vision meeting, we are able to create a cohesive vision for the space in terms of function and style. This allows us to stay on-track for the rest of the project.


NOT SHYING AWAY FROM THE NUMBERS | Besides determining our client’s style and creating a cohesive design, one of the things we tackle at the beginning of each project is budget. Often times this requires a few conversations with the client, to determine where they’re at and what they’re comfortable spending; but its something that has be decided upon in order to keep things on track.


WE RESEARCH & PROCURE | Another thing that our clients have in common, besides design fatigue, is that they do their research. They know what’s out there and they know… there’s a lot! You can literally spend hours scrolling through websites, Instagram, Pinterest looking for the perfect light fixture or wall color. It’s our job as the interior designer to


WE NARROW DOWN THE OPTIONS | While we may have looked at over a hundred chandeliers in order to find “the one”, we’re only going to present 3 options to you in our design meetings. There may have been others that could have worked but these three are the ones that we believe best fit your style and budget; and that would look best in the space.


WE FOLLOW OUR PROCESS & PROCEDURES | When it comes to our interior design projects, whether it be decorating or full service interior design, we have a process and procedures that we follow to help keep things on track.


PHOTOGRAPHY: Austin Kaseman