Happy Earth Day 2020!

We're celebrating Earth Day by getting some fresh air (social distance style) and by sharing with you some of our favorite sustainable resources, as well as steps we can all take to better care for the Earth.

Happy Earth Day everyone,

We here at Making Room for Peace are celebrating today by getting outside (at a social distance) to soak in some sun, breathe in some fresh air and hold gratitude for this beautiful Earth and all that it provides us with.  As many of you know, sustainability is one of our core values here at Making Room for Peace, along with thoughtfulness, empowerment and and hospitality. 

In light of the current climate crisis that we are in, we began to make some changes to our small business this past year; sharing with our community here.  Since then, this has become our most popular blog post and most pinned pin on Pinterest, by far! We wanted to take a moment today to share some our favorite resources with you today (see below), as well as steps that we all can take to better care for this beautiful planet.

With gratitude,

Anna Beth Eskridge

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Making Room for Peace

THE ZERO WASTE HOME | While focused on the topic of a zero waste home, this book is full of thought-provoking ideas and actionable steps on how to live a sustainable life.

TRASH IS FOR TOSSERS | I came across Lauren Singer years ago after watching her now-famous TED talk on leading a zero waste life; since then following her on her blog “Trash is for Tossers” where, like The Zero Waste Home, she provides actionable steps that we take to lead a less wasteful life.

THE GRACE OF ENOUGH | Now one of my favorite books, The Grace of Enough is a book that will inspire you to live simply, cultivate a sense of wonder and appreciation for this Earth, and treasure your relationships in and outside of the home.

THE GUARDIAN | Its hard to believe that despite the fact that we are in a crisis, the topic of the environment or climate crisis has been given very little attention among most media outlets. The Guardian is one of the very few that is doing this issue justice by providing informative articles about what is going on, on a regular basis.

NATURE VS. NURTURE | Honestly, this book took me a biiiiig step closer to becoming vegetarian if not vegan.

MINIMALISM | How might your life be better with less? This film examines the many flavors of minimalism by taking the audience inside the lives of minimalists from all walks of life.

THE TRUE COST | between watching this and reading The Zero Waste Home, I’ve never looked at clothing the same way.

Steps that You Can Take Today - composting
Making Room for Peace

Let’s be honest, the topic of the climate crisis can be overwhelming… However instead of checking out, take a deep breath and consider what steps you can take today, to care for this planet!

COMPOST | I get so excited about this topic y’all, its hilarious… but really, composting is something that just about everyone can do and is something makes a difference (less trash + better soil for your gardens). Read more here.

EAT LESS MEAT | No, I’m not saying you have to go vegan (although it would certainly help!). I’m just saying (as are many scientists out there) that eating meat has a HUGE impact on the environment from fueling climate change to polluting landscapes and waterways. One step that your family and my family can take towards making a BIG DIFFERENCE globally is to simply eat less meat.

BECOME A CONSCIOUS SHOPPER | One of the biggest steps that you can take is to become a more conscious shopper. Instead of just walking through the aisles and throwing this and that in your cart, consider: can I make this from scratch? is there a brand that uses more sustainable materials? what here can be recycled and what all is going to go to landfill? could I borrow this instead of by? could I by this second-hand/vintage? do I really need this?

VOTE | Vote with your wallet, your ballot and your voice. Every step (mentioned above) matters and will make a difference but its also important to join our voices and hands together, to take a stand.


"To love God's creation in all its glory, how can we help but seek to preserve and care for it?  We honor the Creator by caring for His creation."

Haley Stewart, The Grace of Enough


Art by: Magdalena Zolnierowicz