How to Create Attainable Goals

How to Create Attainable Goals

Setting personal goals is a great way to bring about change however its important that when coming up with your goals that you make them attainable (a.k.a. there's a chance that you will achieve them). 


Set Goals That Motivate You


When setting goals it is important that they motivate you - they they are important to you and that you see value in achieving them.  There is a good-chance that you won't see success with your goals when you don't care about them. 


Set SMART Goals


It's all about setting SMART goals.  Goals that are: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound.  Your goals should be clear and well-defined.  Vague goals lead to trouble navigating where to begin and what the purpose even is.  Its also important to give yourself deadlines for when certain goals are to be accomplished.  For example, when setting goals or to-do lists.  I have a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual list.  I know that may sound like a lot but it really helps me to visualize things and to see what realistically can be accomplished. 


Create An Action Plan


After determining what your goals are, write down the individual steps needed in order to accomplish them.  For example, one of my big goals for this past year was to create quality content for Making Room for Peace, the blog and our social media platforms.  For me that meant intentional and well-written posts, and the use of beautiful, professional-looking images.  To achieve this goal I had to break it down into several small action goals, such as: have a photographer come take photos of me in our space; plan out posts weeks in advance; write posts ahead of time.  Even these were broken down into smaller steps such as: write "How to Create Attainable Goals" post; photograph and edit images for "How to Create Attainable Goals" post; and schedule "How to Create Attainable Goals" post


Photography: Luke & Ashley Photography